Coming Up at St. John’s
Special Worship Services
Marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a time of repentance and solemn meditation that follows Jesus’ steps to the cross. This includes the ancient practice of imposing ashes and Holy Communion.
Marks Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but also his march to the cross. Includes a special procession with palms and praise.
Commemorates Jesus’ establishment of Holy Communion, a new covenant for all people to fulfill the celebration of the Passover. Includes the custom of stripping the altar in preparation for Good Friday.
A sinless Jesus gave himself over to death to pay the price for the sins of all people. Despite it’s gory appearance, we call it good!
The Chief Service (1:00 pm) follows a more common rite and includes Holy Communion.
The Evening Service (6:30 pm) is a service of darkness (tenebrae), with no Holy Communion.
The Easter Vigil (6:30 am) is a special service that sweeps away darkness and ushers in the daylight of hope in the resurrection. Includes Holy Communion.
The Festival Service (9:00 am) is a joyous celebration, with many familiar Easter hymns and Holy Communion.
Other Events
Our read for March is The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. For April, we are reading The Authenticity Project by Claire Pooley.
Cabin fever relief! All kinds of board games and snacks.
Our annual St. Patrick’s Day lunch, complete with corned beef and all the fixings!